Dr Foot Podiatry Clinic ‘Cushions’ Feet with Dermal Filler Injection


Ball of foot pain is a very common discomfort. There are several reasons why a person may experience pain in this area, and there are multiple ways to treat the specific cause of pain. ‘Where indicated, the addition of an injectable dermal filler to the bottom of the foot provides immediate and lasting relief. Do you like wearing high heels but the pain in the ball of your foot is excruciating? These injectable fillers can help to provide "cushions" inside your foot to enable you to wear the shoes you want to wear for longer periods of time.

We have found great success with using it in the foot to replace volume where it has been lost and to pad painful bony prominences.

Ball of foot pain, or metatarsalgia, is a general diagnosis for this pain. Over time the fat pad that protects the foot thins and moves out of place. This can cause pain and sometimes a burning sensation while walking, especially as heel height increases. Calluses and corns usually develop on the soles of the feet, especially under the heels or balls of feet. Over time the fat pad that protects the foot thins and moves out of place. This can cause pain and sometimes a burning sensation while walking, especially as heel height increases. The use of dermal fillers provides an alternative to surgery for these types of problems and results can last up to one year.

Dermal fillers are primarily used for aesthetic procedures to plump up, smooth out, and contour. They are gels of different viscosities which are comprised of hyaluronic acid (HA). A synthetic form that does not consist of animal derived ingredients. HA occurs naturally within the body, present in the skin, joints and eyes. It is hydrophilic, which means it attracts water molecules to ‘plump’ up, cushion and keep structures supple and flexible. It is a natural substance which in time naturally breaks down.

Who Would Benefit from Dermal Filler Cushioning?

Dermal fillers are great for individuals who like to wear high heels and find it is becoming increasingly painful to wear them for any length of time due to pain and secondary corns or callous formation either on the sole of the foot or toes.Dermal fillers are great for patients who have lost the fatty padding on the balls of their feet and are in constant pain and discomfort when walking
Dermal fillers are great for hammer toes which get sore and painful from shoe pressure.
Dermal fillers are effective in eradicating painful corns

Dermal fillers are recommended whereby conventional podiatric attempts have failed in alleviating foot pain and negate the need to have padding stuck to the foot which can impede on hygiene and look unsightly.

Is it a Safe Procedure?

Yes, it is a safe procedure done correctly in specialist hands by a practitioner who fully understands the anatomical structures of the foot.


Consultation £59

Fillers for corns from £150

Cushioning soles of feet from £250 for 1 foot


See media articles about this procedure:




Dermal Filler for Corn